Omega-3 Bloodspot Education
Discover the importance of blood-testing patients for omega-3 status as a diagnostic tool for improving health. Created by Dr. Doug Bibus, leading lipid scientist and expert on omega-3s, this simple test provides a panel of results used to assess and monitor health, balance essential fatty acids, and improve nutrition.
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The Holman Omega-3 Test
The Holman Omega-3 Test is an excellent addition to the health evaluation services offered by your practice. The steps below explain the test implementation process, and provide a recommended schedule for administration to patients.

1. Educate

  • Educate patients on the importance of omega-3s for health.
  • Provide option to test omega-3 status via Holman Omega-3 Blood Spot Test.

2. Test

  • Take patient blood sample.
  • Provide sample and patient testing card to lab.
  • Patient is billed for lab fee and doctor's visit.

3. Follow Up

  • Once test results are received, schedule follow-up visit with patient.
  • At follow-up visit, discuss results and recommend diet and omega-3 supplementation regimen.
  • Patient is billed for lab fee and doctor's visit.

4. Re-Test

  • Second patient blood sample taken.
  • Provide sample and patient testing card to lab.
  • Patient is billed for lab fee and doctor's visit.

5. Second Follow Up

  • Once second blood test results are received, schedule follow-up visit with patient.
  • At follow-up visit, discuss latest test results and recommend any additional adjustments, if necessary, to diet and omega-3 supplementation.
  • Schedule 6–12 month follow-up retest.

Support Materials:

Blood Omega-3 Index as a Measure of Heart Health
The cardiovascular benefits of consuming long-chain omega-3 fats are documented in thousands of studies, some of which are very large-scale intervention studies. Despite one recent meta-analysis that calls this into question, the omega-3 index (total EPA+DHA as a percentage of total fatty acids) is proposed as a risk factor for sudden cardiac death.
Dietary Omega-3 Intake and Heart Health Risk
This study reviews the evidence from a population-based case-control study examining omega-3s cardio-protective effects. It considers relative risk of primary cardiac arrest among groups who consume diets high in seafood, modest in seafood, and absent of seafood.
Dietary Predictors of Low Omega-3 and Heart Health Risk
Because low omega-3 levels are correlated with increased risk of heart disease, it is important to identify individuals who may benefit from increased intake of omega-3. In this investigation, researchers consider possible dietary predictors of low omega-3 status.
Low Omega-3 Levels and Heart Health Risk
With the omega-3 index proposed as a risk factor for coronary heart disease, this study investigates whether it is a useful predictor of cardiac arrest in patients who are already survivors of this disease, as compared to healthy patients, and those with less severe cardiac conditions.
Omega-3 and Bleeding Risk
Alongside the documented cardiovascular benefits of omega-3s, some concerns remain about omega-3’s inhibition of platelet aggregation, leading to a potential for increased risk of bleeding. This large, multi-cohort study evaluates the risk of bleeding in individuals with low, intermediate, and high omega-3 indices.
Omega-3 and Smoking Cessation as Cardio-Protective
Both lifestyle and dietary factors are implicated in the development of cardiovascular disease. Populations that consume large amounts of marine omega-3 (i.e. fish) offer good test cases in which to examine the effects of different lifestyle and dietary factors. This case-control study looks at the effects of omega-3 intake and smoking on Koreans with ST-elevated myocardial infarction and taking statins.
Omega-3 DHA and Sleep Apnea
Low tissue levels of omega-3 fatty acids may be part of the nexus of sleep disordered breathing, inflammation, autonomic dysfunction and cardiovascular disease. This study examines the extent to which blood omega-3 levels are associated with sleep apnea severity.
Omega-3s and Heart Rhythm
Recent research has turned up conflicting evidence of omega-3s’ effects on heart rhythm, with studies showing both pro-and anti-arrhythmic properties. This study reviews existing research and suggests that the omega-3 index provides a more helpful, standardized measure from which to determine the impact of omega-3s on heart rhythm.
Omega-3s and Mortality Risk in Healthy Subjects
Limited evidence suggests that omega-3s may be anti-arrhythmic, while more substantial evidence indicates that they help prevent sudden cardiac arrest in survivors of heart attack. This study examines whether omega-3s confer the same cardio-protective effects on those who have not experienced cardiovascular disease.
Omega-3s as an Analgesic
Research on persistent pain syndromes suggests that dietary interventions may play a role in the resolution of pain from conditions like chronic daily headaches. This randomized clinical study compares the effects on headache pain of diets low in omega-6 and average in omega-3, to those low in omega-6 and high in omega-3.
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